Monday, July 19, 2021

Our First Day in the Jungle

On our first full day in the jungle, we started out very early. This is the view from the lodge of the lake, with the "swimming pool." We started out on a canoe ride. We had been hearing Howler Monkeys from our lodge, but it got louder as we floated along.
And WOW, there they are!
After our canoe ride through the various canals near our lodge, we walked back to the river and went on the big boat to visit an indigenous Amazonian community. They are making us a traditional lunch.
The kids are adorable!
Mara helped mash some Yucca. Meanwhile, Jonathan was out trying out their way to kill prey with a blow gun.
And then Mara got some warrior paint.
Lunch is served, in their traditional way, spreading everything out on the floor.
That evening, we went on another canoe ride. We saw Hoatzins, aka "Stinky Turkeys." Apparently, they taste so bad that they have no predators.
And we saw more monkeys, a different kind this time.
Then we got out of the canoe and took a short hike. Mara posed in front of a gigantic Kapok tree.

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