I've been in the Rio Grande Valley now for 2 weeks, and I've really enjoyed the relaxing lifestyle. Unfortunately, that means I don't have too much to write about in the blog. But here goes....

We're staying at Alamo Rec, one of the many RV parks in the Valley. A lot of singles that I know stay here. The unique thing about this park is the huge lake right in the middle of it.

We're parked in the northwest corner of the park, over there behind that tall palm tree.

Every day, the singles get together for happy hour. Today we had a spur-of-the-moment wine and cheese party.

The lake makes for some interesting wildlife viewing. I can't figure out how the turtle on the left got up on that stump.

The cormorants dive down for fish, then must come out of the water to dry off.

There are several of these apartment-style birdhouses around the lake, and they are all filled to capacity.

South Texas is a bird-watcher's paradise. This little guy is often seen around the lake. I couldn't figure out what it was.

Fellow blogger, Robin, invited me to lunch one day. (Her blog's
here.) Turns out she volunteers at a local state park and helps us wanna-be birders identify the little buggers. Anyway, my mysterious bird is an immature vermillion flycatcher. He's just in the process of turning red.

But the big reason many people come to "The Valley" is for the dancing. Every night, several RV parks, all with gigantic dance floors, have dances with live entertainment. At this one the singles are on the whole right side of the room.
And then there are the lessons. We are taking Night Club Two Step lessons with Bob Battaglia. It's a nice dance to do to slower music. (for some reason the video looks black, but if you click on the arrow, it will play.)
Now that the weather is improving, I hope to get out and do some interesting things. There's a lot to see in the area.