My little Westie, Molly, passed away this week. She lived a long and happy life, to the ripe old age of 15 1/2.

When I first got her as a puppy, I lived in a house. I don't have any puppy pictures with me, but I do have a picture of her doing her favorite thing - watching TV. She even seemed to understand the plot line, and would start barking when the bad guys went after the good guys.

After I started RVing, she would sit on my lap so she could see the TV.

By far, her favorite person was her "sister," Corrie.

And her least favorite thing was getting a bath.

She really loved having a "new outside" every day. In my old trailer, she had her very own window.

In the new trailer, I could open up a door so she could see out.

She got to do some pretty exciting things, even kayaking with her very own PFD.

She was buried at the pet cemetery outside Yuma. It's off the road to Algodones, and a really nice place.

I know her grave doesn't look like much, but I plan to make something special to mark it.
Goodbye, Molly! I really miss you.
I'm so very sorry to hear of the loss of your best friend. I, too, have lost best friends over the years, and I know the pain.
ReplyDeleteBette joins me in sending along a good thought on Molly's passing. You made a wonderful resting place, and she will be there for you to visit. Thinking of you...
Oh, Diana, my heart goes out to you. One of our cats was 15 when we hit the road, and he had 3 great years of travel with us. It was very, very difficult for me to say goodbye - but we, too, had the joy of knowing he LOVED his life "on the road". I know you will feel Molly's absence for a long time. Your post is a great memorial - what an adorable girl she was!
ReplyDeleteDiana my heart feels for you. Pets are great friends. A friend who lost a long time pup recently said that whoever said money cannot buy happiness forgot about puppies. Pup friends are some of the best in the world.
ReplyDeleteDiana I am so sadden about the lost of your precious little Molly but you gave her a wonderful life and she enjoyed so much adventure with you. This is one of the hardest things we must endure in our lives is the lost of our beloved pets... My heart is with you my friend... and remember Molly is always with you!
ReplyDeleteTravel Safe
Diana, I am so sorry for your loss of your little girl, your tribute to her memory is just beautiful. Thank you for sharing.
ReplyDeleteThis has brought tears to my eyes and I never even met Molly. I know you will miss her immensely.
ReplyDeleteWhat a lovely tribute to Molly. I know the loss, and cried for days and days after I lost Cody. I went to the garden dept. and bought a stepping stone kit to make his headstone. You saw it at the Slabs. Since it is concrete, it lasts forever. My heart is with you, be comforted by the memories.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry to read of Molly's passing.
ReplyDeleteIt sounds like she was a special friend. May she Rest in Peace.
Im so sorry Diana to hear about your doggie, she was such a pretty girl.
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry to hear that you lost Molly. She certainly did more, and went more places in her life than most people. You gave her a good life and she was a great friend to you. I still miss my cat Shasta Mae and I only had her for eight and a half years.
ReplyDeleteKnowing that All Things must Pass doesn't make it any easier. Diana, you Post is a proper Tribute to Molly, your RoVing Sidekick.
Ah, Sweet Little Miss Molly. It was just a year ago I lost Oliver. I'm sure Molly and Ollie are sniffing and wagging their tails together.
ReplyDeleteMurphy and Annie send their sympathies.
Now I'm going to go dry my eyes and give my "kids" a hug.
Diana, so sorry to hear of your loss. I know how you feel, I lost my Mitzi, she was 16. Now have a new "baby" she is just as sweet, but doesn't replace Mitzi. We are blessed to have these wonderful pets!
ReplyDeleteShe sounds like a great dog. They all have special characteristics and become such a big part of your life. Just think of all the fun you had together.
ReplyDeleteI know how heart broken you must be right now...she sure was a great friend and companion I can tell from the photos you posted..15 and 1/2 is a very long life!! We have 2 old ones in our extended family right now and even tho we know its coming we are not prepared-- for how can one prepare for extreme saddness, loss, and grief? I visited a peaceful and beautiful cemetery near Moab at Best Friends animal sanctuary this past Sept. Angels Rest has hundreds of windchimes hanging everywhere, thousands of them.. in rememberance of family pets and dogs and cats that never found their forever home...it was the most beautiful cemetery Ive ever stepped foot into. Even the slightest of breezes moved the chimes and it was more beautiful than any church organ Ive ever heard. Please hang a windchime for Molly and everytime you hear that chime you will have those fond memories of the love you both shared. ((((hug))))
Diana, I'm very sorry to hear of your loss. I hope you can celebrate Molly's life during the holiday's as hard as it may be. Best wishes!
ReplyDeleteGood Bye to Molly. My heart goes out to you Diana. Molly is romping around and having fun in Pet Heaven.
ReplyDeleteWhat a lovely tribute to dear little Molly. She was a sweet doggy and appreciated each new place you took her. I'll miss my darling niece.
ReplyDeleteSo sorry to hear about Molly. She was such a sweety.
ReplyDeleteI am so deeply sorry to hear about your loss of Molly. What a beautiful doggie. I also just lost my Muffin of 15 yrs. It was a hard holiday this year. My prayers and thoughts are with you.