The Daddy of 'em All has been kicking up dust since 1897 with the world's largest outdoor rodeo and Western Celebration. It starts out with Bull Riding. These are the biggest bulls I've ever seen. Look out!
This guy got his 8-second ride, and then had to scramble.

Some of the Bareback riders were so good that they dismounted by bouncing off and landing on their feet.

Saddle Bronc Riding featured some of the most famous cowboys. This is Billy Etbauer, 5-time World Champion. He has won over $3 million in rodeos.

I liked the Steer Wrestling. It was hard to get a picture because of all the dust it created, but the steer usually won.

Barrel Racing is the only thing the cowgirls get to do.

Between the events, they had "Special Events." The Percheron Draft Horses pulled the Air Force Thunderbirds around and around. Aren't they cute in their matching cowboy outfits?

The funniest one was the Dinner Bell Derby Mare and Colt Race, otherwise known as "The Run for the Milk." They put the mommies at one end of the track and the babies, shown here, at the other end. There was also a goat involved, but I'm not sure why.
And they're off! Who can find mommy first?
The last event was the Wrangler Wild Horse Race. Ten teams of three attempt to saddle a wild horse that had never been ridden before, and ride him around the track. Only two of the ten succeeded.

After the rodeo, we went to the Carnival Midway, and made our way to the Buckin' A Saloon for a little dancing.

And who was there but some of the Thunderbirds! Aren't they cute? They were applying a temporary tattoo of the Thunderbird symbol to this young lady's belly button.

Then they all took pictures of it with their cell phones. (Did I mention I thought they were cute?)